Here at Vape Manifesto, we like seeing people loving and living their craft. That's why we couldn't think of anyone better to start our interviews with than local coilsmith Carlo Hizon. In this interview, he shares with us tidbits of his process, progress, and ultimately his aspirations as an artist.

We almost forgot, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to feature some of his impressive builds. Enjoy, coilheads!

Hi, Carlo! Welcome to Vape Manifesto! We’re glad to have you. Please, introduce yourself to our readers.

Thanks for the interview, Chee. ðŸ˜Š Hey guys, Carlo Hizon here. Full time dad, part time coilsmith. 

How did you get into vaping? Do you remember your first setup?

I actually started vaping December 2015. It's one of those things where you just want to live a healthier life and gave vaping a chance despite being a long time hater. ðŸ˜‚ One of my friends introduced me to it, showed me the ropes and started researching about its effects. My first mod was a white Kanger Subvod called Stormtrooper. I got that because I told myself I'll never make my coils since OCCs are available anyway. 

What pushed you to become a coil builder?

There were times when I'd get dud OCCs for the Subvod and 200+ for something I couldn't use seemed such a big waste. I upgraded to a Kanger Toptank Mini and started making my own coils. Of course, I started with normal round wires of course (26g kanthal d). I was hooked after making a couple of my own basic coils. 

How did you start making your coils?

After the Toptank Mini, my friend Miggy, who introduced me to vaping, showed me to the Noisy Cricket. Being my first mechanical, I was of course a bit scared to use it. Started out with the basic 10 wrap 3mm 24gkD and enjoyed it. Then I tried 26gka1/32gka1 clapton and saw that it produced more flavor. During these times, I'd see coils in Instagram and researched about how and why different types of coils behave the way they behave. I couldn't find any fused clapton that I could use for series so I bought my own drill, swivels and wires from Alan Cruz. The vape I got from it was amazing and I guess it just snowballed from there. 

Looking back, it was a bit reckless learning how to build on a series but I always had my toptank/521 with me to check resistances and possible shorts in my build. 

What are the basics of custom coil making? What are the most important tools you need to create your own coils?

For the technical aspect, everyone needs to start from twisted, claptons and fused claptons. You'll learn how to manage the tension on the wire, to make sure your wraps are tight, etc. Sure, there are tricks to make these easier like clothespins, ball pen method to clapton, etc but I found that the farther I went down, I had to do them manually to get used to the angle which I hold the spool. 

For the tools, of course there's the drill, your swivels and wires. The more complex your builds get, you'll need more tools. Good lighting to see the shimmer of the wires to make sure they fuse correctly especially for staggered fusing types of coils, nylon pliers, magnifying goggles (for me. Some can build without them. I get migraines if I don't use it.)

Honestly, the mindset is most important. When you're starting, it will suck. You'll waste a lot of wires. It's time consuming. It's expensive. And if you want to recover your losses by selling, unless your coils are priced really low, there's not much of a market for really exotic coils. But all of that is just at the start. Just like anything, practice will make building easier. I used to take about an hour to make a pair of aliens and now I can maybe make a pair in 10 mins or less but that's about a year of continuous building. I'm always chasing after my [craft] today, making sure that I'll be better than I was yesterday. There's no point in comparing yourself to what others can or cannot do, it's all about how clean you work, how fast you work if that's the goal, and just keep on progressing. All the tools and helpers in the building world won't help you if your mindset is zilch.

Who are your influences when it comes to building custom coils?

Squidoode was the very first influence of mine. I obsessively watched his videos repeatedly. @raymo_2_u on Instagram is also a big influence. He taught me almost everything I know and is just a cool, helpful guy. @firstkylejones is also a big influence because of his enigmas. Now, I see the whole building community as an influence. There's a lot of great builders and photographers out there, you're bound to learn and pick a thing or two from a lot of people. 

In your opinion, what’s the most difficult thing about being a coilsmith?

Top of my head, availability of materials here in the Philippines. It's difficult to find constant supply of high gauge wires 38g and up. Ribbon is almost impossible to find unless it's the .8 ribbon used for tiger and juggernauts. Good swivels are also hard to find here I think. There's just a fishing shop near my place so that's a huge factor why I also started. I now get all of my materials from the USA (go kidney puncher!) and buy in bulk so it can get a bit costly. 

Other than that, starting was very hard. You spend a lot for materials and fail most of your builds. It's really disheartening at times and remember moments when I wanted to throw my drill against the wall ðŸ˜‚. Those months when I was just beginning was nerve wracking but every build I finished, even if they were fails, gave me a sense of accomplishment so it's all good. "Progress over perfection" was my mindset back then, and is a good, realistic mindset when beginning. 

What’s your favorite build so far?

To build, enigmas. I just love how they look and the vape is pretty good. Favorite coil to vape now are staggered frame staggertons. It's just so hot, flavorful and dense. It also drinks juice like a mofo. Yeah, there's always a trade off

What advice would you give to aspiring coil builders out there?

Never give up! Don't use sales as a motivation, you'll just find it more frustrating. Learn and build to be better, to work more efficiently. 

You also don't need to build the crazy coils you see on Instagram. Beyond aliens, fraliens, fraples, it's mostly builders playing and showcasing skill. Sure, they give off better flavor but the diminishing returns of effort spent vs the quality of vape you get will be felt. Even fraples give off a great vape. No need to go crazy if your goal is to simply maximize the flavor you're getting. 

What are the greatest challenges you’ve met as a builder?

Personally, the capital expense. Being a full time dad, I'm just lucky that my wife is very supportive. I was able to sell enough to make my wires self sustaining. (Yep, almost all my sales go to more wires haha.) The initial cash out to get materials is no joke. Plus some of the tools are hard to find here like nylon pliers, etc. You really need to get from Lazada or abroad so that's more money out. 

It was also difficult when I started because there weren't a lot of people I could ask locally. Good thing the building community is generally helpful and most are more than willing to share and help starting builders (on IG, and on Facebook groups like Coil Craft and Coil Wars). 

How do you see the local vaping industry in the next 3 years?

Hopefully united. I don't know much about what's going on but it seems like we're at this time where people want to be better than the other guy. The supporters develop a tribe mentality which can get a bit counter productive given the fact that we aren't even accepted by the majority yet and we let the squabbling take over. I dunno, I get most of what I know in groups since I'm a homebody and don't know a lot haha. 

More builders please!

Any particular favorite setup?

Mods are Sith v2 (quad parallel) and Broadside (tube) RDAs would be OG Goon, Goon 1.5 (fanboy ba?) Petri RDA, Gaia RDTA, Petri RTA, Skill RDA. Batteries, Sony VTC5A and Shrek. 

It's normally my Sith and Goons, Skill, Petri RDA. Broadside and Petri RTA and Skill. 

What do you do on your down time?

Being a full time dad, it's mostly cooking for the family, cleaning the house, groceries, laundry, more cleaning, helping my daughter with homework (Shet, back to school ako) and more cooking. That's why I also can't be a mass production guy even if I wanted to (I don't) Building is done on my free time and now, I'm learning more about photography. 

Is there anyone you wish to thank?

Of course my wife who is very much supportive os this odd hobby of mine, my team Build Junkies for being an awesome fam, my local build team Bakalboys (Go, tilapia), Kidney Puncher for offering support and our my sponsors Augvape, Coil Master, Fresh and Cloudnificent. 

It goes without saying but thanks to the whole building community. You guys are awesome and I have nothing but love for you lot ðŸ‘Š

Last words for our readers?

Battery safety please! ðŸ˜‚😂😂😂😂😂

Don't forget to give Carlo a follow on Instagram to get the perfect coil shots on your feed!


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