On this installment of Gear Review we take a look at the Reaper tube mod by BMB Creations.

The Reaper is a new release from BMB Creations, a new company headed by Brett Michaels Banzon. They are in close partnership with AB1 Mach -- a machining plant that has done quite a few mods, attys, and accessories here in the Philippines.

This tube mod brings a little bit of old and new to the table. The Reaper features a solid copper inner tube force fitted into a stainless steel outer tubing. It's a hybrid mech mod so I will definitely recommend using it only with hybrid-friendly atomizers (protruding 510 pins are a MUST when using hybrid mech mods. I could not stress this enough.)

Now, onto the review.


Machining - The Reaper was made with quality in mind. It features high quality materials and precise machining. It is a noticeable pro since you can clearly see the effort and time poured into the manufacturing of this tube mod. Threads are smooth, tube body is smooth, firing pin is quite chunky.

Aesthetics- Graphics on the Reaper is spot on. You can tell that whoever handled the styling of the mod had a clear idea on what to put on the graphics. Serial number is visible, the drawings are detailed, and the weathered effect adds to the overall look of the mod. It has that grim style going on. Personally, I'm a fan of skull themed graphics so this is a pro for me.

Design - The Reaper features a highly customize-able adjustment system when it comes to battery rattle. You can adjust for it using the hybrid top cap and the button housing at the bottom. This feature is useful especially when dealing with atomizers that have varying 510 pin length and thread count.

© BMB Creations
Power - This is where the Reaper shines. I was amazed at how powerful this short tube mod was. I had doubts at first (I watched cloud/power check vids on the group) but I was easily convinced after using it for the first time. Any build you put into it just lights up. If you're looking for a powerful tube mod, the Reaper may be for you.

Compact - The Reaper is deceivingly short. It almost has the same dimensions as the Izanagi v1.2. This is a particular pro for anyone who's looking for a tube mod that can be easily incorporated into their everyday carry.

Materials - Material choice is crucial for mech mods. You can have the nicest looking graphics, mechanism etc. but they won't count if you use substandard materials. The Reaper uses high grade red copper and that contributes to its impressive power.


Price - I try to be honest on my reviews and I must say that one of the biggest cons for me would be the price. It retails at P5,499 per unit and that's pretty steep for a single 18650 mechanical tube mod. The Reaper is more about quality and that comes with a hefty price tag. Collectors and serious mech mod users are the target market of this mech tube.

Spring - I've handled quite a few tube mods and I know that the spring, however humble and seemingly dismissible it is, plays a big role in efficiency. The included spring tend to bend in favor of one side when you use it frequently when it should stay in place to avoid it getting into contact with the firing pin. This in turn brings us to the next con.

© BMB Creations

Heating issue - In my experience, SS tends to heat up quickly and badly. Although the Reaper only has an outer SS tube, you can clearly feel the heating when using super low builds or after chain vaping. I introduce quite intense elements into my review phase (I build super low to test how temperature affects the mod/gear I use and for the Reaper, my go-to build was below .10 ohm - I understand the risks and I know my battery and gear safety) and that led to a collapsed spring. I adjusted the spring by stretching it out often. Heating is felt more in the switch housing area.

Some rough edges in the firing housing - I pointed this out to sir Brett and he immediately responded in the affirmative. He says that they will adjust and hopefully find a solution for this in the next batches.

© BMB Creations


The Reaper is not perfect but it's something you may want to look at if you're in the market for a high quality tube mech mod. A quick fix on some of the issue I've stated and it can easily pass up as one of the nicer vape gear I've reviewed recently. Good gear ain't cheap, and overly cheap gear aren't good. It's looking good for BMB Creations since they managed to put out a gear of this quality on their first jab at the market. I wish to see more from them since they're quite the young blood in this bustling industry. That spring just needs a bit more fine tuning. Once they address that issue then it's all green lights for me.

Big thanks to sir Brett Michaels for the trust and support. If you're interested in the Reaper tube mod, you may head over to their Facebook group for more info.

Thanks for reading!


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